The 3- Step Resume Process
Define • Refine • Shine
Define Your Career Narrative
Refine Your Content & Story
Shine During Your Job Search
Define Your Career Narrative
The goal of the first draft is to define all aspects of your career brand. It doesn’t have to be pretty, but it all has to be there. We will get everything down on paper to ensure we don’t miss any valuable piece of your story.
Refine Your Content & Story
In the second draft we refine your story— clarifying key details, trimming the fat in some areas, and honing in on your unique voice to guarantee you make the right impression on the reader. This is where it is great to get outside feedback from a peer or mentor who is familiar with your experience/skillset and can help you shape your personal career brand.
Shine During Your Job Search
The third (and often final draft) is where we give your resume a beautiful shine. We’ll polish up your document with sharp line edits and robust proofreading, double-checking every word for accuracy and ultimately delivering you an error-free resume that radiates your boundless potential.